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Exceptional Dental Care from Your Centerville Dentist

General Dentist Providing TMJ Therapy in Centerville

Millions of people live with debilitating headaches, neck pain, teeth grinding, clenching of the jaws, uneven tooth wear, and other painful symptoms caused by TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction. This condition happens when the TMJ joints, which join the lower jaw and the skull, become misaligned. Muscles become strained, nerves irritated, and painful or antagonistic symptoms begin. You don't have to live with TMJ pain.

At your consultation, Dr. Dan will evaluate your whole mouth, including your jaws and joints. If he diagnoses TMJ disorder, he'll recommend the best treatment for your unique case. Therapy will depend upon many factors, but Dr. Dan will address correction of the underlying cause(s) to restore harmony in your mouth and alleviate pain so that you won't suffer any longer. Common TMJ treatment options include strengthening exercises, rebuilding worn teeth (equilibration) to restore proper bite, or wearing a custom oral appliance to hold the jaw in proper position and relax muscles. The oral appliance, called a mouthguard, bite guard, or oral splint, can in some cases retrain (or reprogram) muscles so that the jaw joints eventually accept and maintain correct alignment.

Exceptional dentistry produces healthy, extraordinary smiles. Call our dental office and schedule an appointment to discuss TMJ therapy with our general dentist, Dr. Dan. Located in Centerville, we welcome patients from Miamisburg, Springboro, Lebanon and the surrounding areas.

Accepted Insurances

Delta Dental Superior Dental Care